Public Administration Careers in the Nonprofit Sector

It’s undoubtedly true that many college graduates with backgrounds in public administration pursue careers in the public sector, frequently as city planners or administrators in government agencies. However, that’s not the only path available to public administration graduates.

The degree program also prepares rising professionals for challenging roles within nonprofit organizations. From grant writers and volunteer coordinators to fundraising managers and project managers, there are endless opportunities within nonprofits for public administration graduates to explore.

The Master of Public Administration (MPA) online program from Southern Illinois University (SIU) Carbondale provides students with a solid foundation in the principles of public service, effectively equipping them for success in the rewarding and rapidly evolving nonprofit world.

What Is a Public Administration Degree?

Public administration refers to the field of careers focused on serving the public interest, whether in a formal government role or through safety, education and nonprofit sectors, according to Indeed. Students in these programs are typically passionate about forming meaningful relationships with community members, understanding their challenges and finding policy solutions that serve residents better.

Professionals with public administration backgrounds can find roles in the social service sector working on housing program initiatives or in the business world as human resources and marketing specialists. They are often drawn to careers in government services and education where they can work directly with residents and the people most affected by local, state and federal policies.

An MPA program specifically trains graduates to analyze policies, manage budgets and develop strategies for community improvement, according to Indeed. The coursework offered through SIU Carbondale’s online program develops the skills necessary to pursue leadership roles across the public and nonprofit sectors.

Students can complete four public administration concentration courses ranging from the Ethical Foundation of Public Service course to the practical skills of the Policy Analysis course and the Administration of Non-profit Organizations course. With this broad knowledge base, students can identify which path best suits their interests and natural abilities.

What Is the Nonprofit Sector?

The nonprofit sector consists of organizations specifically created to serve charitable and socially beneficial purposes rather than make profits, according to Investopedia. Their goals vary, from faith-based charities serving as community food banks to nonprofit organizations dedicated to raising awareness of animal rights, public health or other social causes.

While their missions are unique, nonprofit organizations share a few traits in common. Charitable groups often attract like-minded, purpose-driven employees who are drawn to find jobs that align with their personal values and interests, Indeed argues.

Due to limited budgets and different workload expectations, nonprofits also often have smaller workforces than their for-profit counterparts. While a top executive at a medium-sized company employs an entire team to execute marketing campaigns, that task may fall to one or two people at a charitable organization. Nonprofit professionals must also develop new skills and contribute to team efforts, such as annual fundraisers that make the nonprofit’s long-term work possible.

What Can I Do with an MPA?

An MPA provides graduates with the skills necessary to obtain jobs in the nonprofit sector. Though the focus of nonprofits is not on driving financial wealth for shareholders or executives, nonprofits still need fundraising managers who can bring in enough money to hire staff, deliver programs and connect with target populations.

In turn, there is high demand for grant writers, fundraising managers and philanthropy managers who can engage new donors and work with existing donors to increase their contributions.

SIU Carbondale’s online MPA program offers a Public and Non-Profit Grant Writing course that provides students with real-world experience by preparing a grant application for a nonprofit or public organization. Students can also explore the unique resource development needs of nonprofit groups and the practical sides of meeting those needs in the Non-profit Marketing and Fundraising course.

Students interested in non-fundraising career paths can use their public administration backgrounds to take on roles as nonprofit program managers and operations coordinators. Often, these positions entail managing staff and volunteers, monitoring program outcomes and navigating the day-to-day challenges of the nonprofit workplace, according to Connecteam. Public administration graduates can also use their policy backgrounds to become advocacy directors, lobbying for change on the legislative level and conducting outreach to affected communities.

Prepare for a Nonprofit Career with Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Upon completion of SIU Carbondale’s online MPA program, graduates understand the wide array of career opportunities at their fingertips in the nonprofit sector and beyond. They leave the program with the in-demand public policy and fundraising skills that will make their chosen career a reality.

Learn more about Southern Illinois University Carbondale’s online Master of Public Administration program.

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