
SIU Carbondale offers affordable tuition, so you can earn a top-quality master’s degree online for a great value.

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Transparent tuition keeps your educational investment manageable

We understand the importance of affordable academic programs for working professionals. Find tuition details below for the degree that will help you advance your career and promote lifelong success.

Master of Business Administration – General online
Master of Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing online
Master of Business Administration with a Concentration in Finance online
Master of Business Administration with a Concentration in Analytics for Managers online
Master of Accountancy – General online
Master of Public Health online
Master of Public Administration online

We strive to keep our tuition competitive

  • Pay by the course: There are no large upfront expenses with an SIU Carbondale online program – budget-friendly tuition is paid by the course.
  • Maintain career momentum: Online courses mean you can keep working and continue earning an income while enrolled.
  • Financial aid: There are many forms of financial aid available for which you may qualify.

Students in our FastTrack (or appropriate program name) programs are eligible to accept graduate assistantships; however, per the 2024-2028 Graduate Assistant Union Collective Bargaining Agreement no tuition waiver will be granted. Graduate Assistants will receive the stipend and assistance with the S.M.B. Primary Care (Health) fee but will not receive a tuition waiver. Please keep this in mind if you are seeking graduate assistant or other student employment opportunities.

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Or call 855-741-0087

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or call 855-741-0087 855-741-0087

for help with any questions you have.